Thursday, April 3, 2014

the chicks are moving on up

Today is a good day! The chicks are finally out of the house and into their chicken coop!

It's not that I don't enjoy our chicks, but let's be honest, having chicks in the house got old real fast. They are currently at that annoying stage between being super cute and being productive members of the family. You know that long stage where they don't really do anything besides eat, poop and be really frightened of everything.

So, it's finally warm outside and we finally finished up the first stage of the chicken coop. An old well house made out of concrete serves as the main part of the coop, and after filling it up with dirt and fixing up the door with hardware cloth, it's practically impenetrable and a perfect home for the chicks.

The chicken coop.
I probably should have moved all the junk before I took the picture but I was just too tired to do it.
I was in charge of filling the coop up with dirt.
The chicks not being very cooperative for their picture in their new home.
But they have lots of space now.
There is still a lot to do before the coop is finished: the outside part of the coop needs to be built, a place for them to roost needs to be installed and I'm in charge of making the coop all fancy.

But the most important thing is that I don't have chickens in my house anymore. And I'm in the clear for one more week until the next batch of chicks arrive. And this time there will be fifteen.

That's right fifteen...

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